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Dead End Junction Crack Serial Key


Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Game Adventure. Gunslingers. Outlaws. Shoot-outs. War. You’ll find none of those things in the one-horse town of Cow Stone Bell, as Jo will be the first to tell you. Raised by her slob of an uncle on the far edge of the Wild West, she suffers from endless boredom and longs for the action and excitement on display in the “dime novels” she spends so much time reading. But after a letter arrives from the President addressed to her no-good and nowhere to be found father, fate conspires to give her exactly what she wished for—wrapped up in a journey that will take her further from home than she ever expected. Unfortunately, Jo is about to learn that a life of adventure may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Being set primarily in an alternate universe version of the Wild West, Dead End Junction hits on themes relevant to the setting, such as treatment of the Native American population and the scars left by the Civil War (represented in-universe by the Fuuro and the Border War respectively); many of which are applicable to life in the world today. The soundtrack is heavily influenced by music of the era as well, with a mix of original tunes and arrangements of classics like "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "Home on the Range." Dead End Junction was written and directed by Hidume, the sole member of 773, creator of the acclaimed Cherry Tree High series and fan of old Westerns like The Magnificent Seven and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Their sharp sense of humor is on full display here, though they do an excellent job proving they can write a serious story with this title as well. Localized by the start-up publisher Culture Select, Dead End Junction is a kinetic novel that captures the aura of the Wild West while addressing social issues that are relevant to contemporary society. 7aa9394dea Title: Dead End JunctionGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:773Publisher:Culture SelectRelease Date: 23 Sep, 2016 Dead End Junction Crack Serial Key dead end junction #2 deadman's bullet. dead end junction review. dead end road junction alberta. dead end junction gameplay. dead end road junction camping. dead end junction download. dead end junction steam. dead end junction 日本語化. dead end junction. dead end junction cg. dead end road junction. dead end junction vndb. dead end junction #2 Calling this product a game would be an overstatement. There are no choices to speek of, so it's not even a Visual Novel.Right from the get-go, Dead End Junction presents itself a digital dime novel.And its easy to see why; It was build from the ground up to be a short, pulpy cowboy flick. But that doesn't mean it's bad, as i learned.8 hours may seem on the short side for VN's, but because of it, DEJ has got really excellent pacing. There is always someting going on and no plotpoint is lingered on to long.The characters are very well written, and although some are a bit trope-y, they play off each other superbly.And finally, the world of DEJ is great. At the start it seems like your typical Wild-West World but it dosn't take long until this notion is abandoned for a much more interesting setting.The only valid criticism i have is that the action is downplayed quite a lot. All fights are just one still frame and some sounds. There isn't even a description of the fight, its just *kling* *klung* [Fate to Black] and thats it.All in all a very solid ga- digital dime novel thats best experienced over the course of a week in small chunks.7\/10. A solid visual novel with well designed characters, an interesting premise and a fantastic sound track. I had not played too far, but I expect it to be a good story.A bit problem: you can play all 4 chapters right from beginning, so I am affraid of "spoilers".And another one: where is the sound tracks.IWANTITRIGHTNOW!. A solid visual novel with well designed characters, an interesting premise and a fantastic sound track. I had not played too far, but I expect it to be a good story.A bit problem: you can play all 4 chapters right from beginning, so I am affraid of "spoilers".And another one: where is the sound tracks.IWANTITRIGHTNOW!. A solid visual novel with well designed characters, an interesting premise and a fantastic sound track. I had not played too far, but I expect it to be a good story.A bit problem: you can play all 4 chapters right from beginning, so I am affraid of "spoilers".And another one: where is the sound tracks.IWANTITRIGHTNOW!. 不贵,有卡。漫画式的演出和过场。玩起来就像是在读一本能互动的漫画一样。当然没有中文所以你得认识英文才好玩。好在虽然是奇幻设定不过整体的词汇难度应该4级左右就能顺利阅读了。人物的立绘质量很高。 每种表情姿势都是完全不同的立绘,非常良心。价格还很好。一句话评价: 只要你能读,就闭着眼睛买吧For English speakers:I didn't finished it so far so this review is based on my experiece of part of the game. I won't judge the story at this stage.Pros:1. The localization is really well done. It even gives u a false feeling that this game was developed by English speakers.2. Unique and amazing style to present the dialoge. It's like reading a fasnating interactive Comic Book.3. The art style is AMAZING. U got a lot of CGs. U have totally different painting for different face, not just swapping texture of eyes or mouth. It also fits game's wild west theme perfectly.4. The PRICE, but not the quality, is CHEAP. Only 7.64$ after 15off. It would literally cost u only about 6$ because it comes with Cards. Compared to those developers and publishers which keeps spamming money grabbing titles, No, I'm not talking about SAKURA series this one definitely worth it's price tag.Cons:The map. Yes, it's the map. Mountain range should never be drawn in that way if there's a lake near it. It looks like the lake is floating over the mountain range. It's a tiny flaw and affects nothing I guess, if u dont have OCD but it's really easy to fix.It's not voice acted. What's a pity.OVERALL: 9.773/10It's a great game with great price. Give it a try and it won't fail u.. I absolutely love this visual digital dime novel! Quick things you need to know about me: I don't really like Western themed stuff all that much, nor do I really like visual novels. I'm sure there are cool things about each genre individually, but somehow combined together you get THIS masterpiece.Dead End Junction is the story of Josette, a young cowgirl who romanticizes the lives of the gunslingers in her dime novels. She sets out on a journey to find her father and along the way discovers the true after effects of war. Soon all her fantasies get a kick into reality and the lives of outlaws and gunslingers don't seem so flashy as she's come to believe. There are economical, societal, and racial consequences to the end of war; something you'd expect to bring peace and prosperity.Aside from the Ace Attourney series, I haven't enjoyed any other visual novels. It's not just because they lack gameplay elements like Phoenix Wright---I like the idea of them, but the execution usually falls flat. At least with the ones I've read so far and never finished. The issue comes down to pointless dialogue. The characters talk a lot without saying much. There's no plot or character development, it's just characters sassing each other or being silly. My prime examples are Nurse Love Addition and the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, which you can check my profile for my reviews on those games.However, Dead End Junction keeps me engaged because the characters have a lot of meaningful things to say. Questions about courage, integrity, and equality--along with many more philosophical ponderings--are injected into the ever moving dialogue of this story. The characters all feel nuanced and unique, talk as such, and relate to each other as such. There may be a few moments where the characters don't talk about anything all that substantial, but unlike the other VN's I've read, that's kept to a thankful minimum. For the most part, the dialogue drives the story and characters forward so you rarely ever feel like the story drags on too long like many other self indulgent VN's that think length = quality. I believe you can finish reading this visual novel in between 6-10 hours depending on your reading speed, but at least every moment has meaning in it.You get insights on how Furros feel about making peace with humans, even the ones who still look down upon them as second rate species. They are half-man half-beast like creatures and serve as an allegory for Native Americans in this fantasy version of the Wild West. Then of course the coming of age arc with Josette is incredible. Not only does she do away with her initial naivity about war and heroic gunslingers, but she also learns to be less hot headed as she befriends other well fleshed out characters that serve as a harsh reminder that the world isn't all roses and daisies after the end of war.Before I ramble on too much, all I'll end this off with is this: as of writing this review it is on sale for $6.99 which is 30% off the full price. I paid full price for it and I have no regrets about it. It took me a long time to finally decide to buy it, and equally as long to finally read it more consistently. Take it from me, my only regret is not having invested my time and attention into this amazing story any sooner.


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